The five items listed below have significantly helped my growth over the last year, and I could not have succeeded thus far at being a farmer's wife without them!

I do not know a single married woman who would disagree with the concept that marriage is a full-time job. However, marriage in a farming family is a round-the-clock windy road adventure that is both spectacular and terrifying. Some days, I cannot figure out why I agreed to leave everything I had thought I wanted and worked so hard to get behind. Most days, however, the thought of returning to our previous lives of working 9-5 in an office building breaks my heart. This new life we created is the most exciting existence I have had so far.
The best farmer's wives laugh through the problems. I love getting to learn from their insights and experiences. They have skills that I am working to improve for my own sanity and the overall wellbeing of my family. I still have much to learn, and I look forward to getting a little better and stronger each day!
“Whatever you are, be a good one.” - Abraham Lincoln
I am determined to be a good wife, and since I am now married to a farmer, I will be a good farmer's wife! These five items are some of the most essential resources that help me along my way.
1. Journal
One of my psychology professors "required" her students to maintain a journal throughout the semester. She did not collect them at the end of the class, and I probably could have gotten away with skipping it, but I am glad that I was obsessed with my grades and completed those daily writing activities. I have continued to keep this writing habit ever since the course ended in 2015.
Particularly over the last year, journaling has become a massive blessing for me! It allows me to vent without hurting my loved ones, organize my thoughts and emotions, so they do not hurt me, and keep records of important events and activities. Some days, I do not write anything, and sometimes my writing is less than optimistic, but my journal is one of my most meaningful belongings. Every farmer's wife should have this tool in her arsenal to help her keep her cool.
2. Sun Hat
A GOOD sun hat! I cannot emphasize the word "good" enough. Men might say that it does not matter what it looks like, as long as it serves its purpose. I am here to say that they are WRONG! A farmer's wife needs a sun hat that she loves. Trust me - life is too short, and the sun is too hot for unlovable sun hats.
3. Dutch Oven
I was given a large Dutch oven as a wedding gift, and I did not use it during the first two years of our marriage. It sat in the cupboard, collecting dust until October of 2020, when I decided to bake sourdough bread. After my first batch of sourdough, my exploration of what I can do with a Dutch began, and it has not stopped. A Dutch oven can handle just about any cooking or baking adventure, and every farmer's wife needs to have one.
4. Sturdy Boots
They are expensive. They are worth it! Feet problems are miserable, and protection from a rattlesnake bite is highly intelligent. A farmer's wife deserves protection and support and to feel good while receiving it. Trust me. She needs a pair of sturdy boots!
5. Camera
Far too many beautiful, frightening, bizarre, tragic, and unique moments happen each day, and having something to capture those moments is crucial! Living on a farm and dealing with all the challenges that come with it means getting a free pass to fill scrapbooks and photo albums and document the memories.

Farming is a demanding lifestyle. Farmer's and their wives' needs must be met. We can't forget to take care of ourselves so that we can give our crops and animals their best chance at success!